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"A book for every fossil-lover everywhere! Who's the most important prehistoric top predator to learn about--T.rex or Velociraptor? Saber-tooth tigers? Splendid meat-eaters for sure. But there's someone else who should mean more to us, humans:
The Texas Finback Dimetrodon!!!!!!!!
Dimetrodon ruled the ecosystem long, LONG before there were any dinosaurs. The Texas Finback was the very first predator built to catch and eat all the other land critters. And D'dons, as we call 'em, belong to us -- they're part of our own Family Tree.
Dimetrodons were our great-great-great-great-great------------great Grandma and Grand-dad.
"I Am Not A Dinosaur" is a delightful true story narrated by a Dimetrodon written and illustrated by a fossil hunter who has helped dig up their skeletons. Kevin Brooks knows his Finbacks. He'll tell you secrets in the skull that prove D'Don's are human relatives. You'll learn the mystery of the fin, a multi-purpose device that Guy-Finbacks used to get dates with Gal-Finbacks.
We Texan paleontologists are proud of our Dimetrodons. I'm sure you will be too."
Dr. Robert T. Bakker, Dinosaur Curator, Houston Museum of Natural Science.

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